UN Volunteers

UN Volunteers


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 UN Volunteers (United Nations Volunteers)

UN Volunteers (United Nations Volunteers) is a program established by the United Nations (UN) to facilitate volunteer opportunities for individuals to contribute to international development efforts and peace-building initiatives. Here is some information about UN Volunteers:

Mission and Purpose:

The primary mission of UN Volunteers is to contribute to peace and development by mobilizing volunteers from around the world to work alongside the UN system, governments, and local communities. UN Volunteers aim to address pressing global challenges, promote sustainable development, and support humanitarian efforts.

Types of Assignments:

UN Volunteers are engaged in a wide range of assignments across various sectors, including education, healthcare, environmental conservation, gender equality, humanitarian assistance, and more. These assignments can be both short-term and long-term, depending on the needs and objectives of the host organizations and countries.

Volunteer Profiles:

UN Volunteers come from diverse backgrounds and professions, including but not limited to educators, healthcare workers, engineers, social workers, and IT specialists. Volunteers are matched with assignments based on their skills, qualifications, and the specific needs of the host organization.

Host Organizations:

UN Volunteers work with a variety of host organizations, including UN agencies, international NGOs, national governments, and local communities. These organizations collaborate with UN Volunteers to implement projects and programs that address development challenges.

Volunteer Support:

UN Volunteers receive support and guidance throughout their assignments. This includes orientation, training, logistical assistance, and access to resources to help them carry out their tasks effectively.

Geographic Distribution:

UN Volunteers serve in countries all over the world, with a particular focus on regions and countries facing significant development challenges or recovering from conflict or natural disasters.

UNV Online Platform:

UN Volunteers typically apply for opportunities through the UNV Online Volunteering service, which allows individuals to contribute remotely to projects and initiatives. This platform also provides a means for organizations to request online volunteers.


While UN Volunteers are not financially compensated, they receive a range of benefits, including living allowances, health insurance, travel support, and other allowances to cover basic living expenses during their assignments.

UNV and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

UNV plays a crucial role in advancing the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Many volunteer assignments are directly related to one or more of the 17 SDGs, which aim to address global challenges and improve the well-being of people and the planet.

Impact and Recognition:

UN Volunteers contribute significantly to achieving development outcomes and fostering positive change in communities. Their work is recognized and appreciated at local, national, and international levels.

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