Canadian visa now available to Moroccans wishing to immigrate

Canadian visa now available to Moroccans wishing to immigrate


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Canadian visa now available to Moroccans wishing to immigrate

فيزا كندية أصبحت متاحة أمام المغاربة الراغبين في الهجرة

 Canada Visa 2023: On June 6, 2023, the Canadian authorities announced the exemption of 13 countries from the visa to enter Canadian territory, including Morocco, so that they only have to apply for an electronic travel authorization (AVE) that allows citizens of these countries to enter Canadian territory.

In addition to Morocco, the list of countries covered by this measure includes Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Costa Rica, Panama, the Philippines, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Seychelles, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago and Uruguay. New Canada Visa 2023.

Conditions for transferring the entry permit to the work residence?

  • You are only required to have a tourist visa and apply from within Canada.
  • Fill out the work permit form before February 28, 2025.
  • You are not required to have language certificates, no professional experience certificates and no bank account, but it is possible that your Canadian employer can request these conditions.

How to get a permit to enter Canada?

There is no personal interview you do at the Canadian Embassy to obtain an entry permit in Canada.

A Canada Pass has 5 ways to obtain it:

First method:

You must be a frequent traveler and have a lot of visas on your passport and or if you have a Schengen visa or a UK visa on your passport.

Choose a travel destination to Canada in the summer months through this method.

The second way:

- This should be the first tourist visa you apply for in your life, or your travel rate is low, and your academic level is high, doctor, engineer, lawyer, programmer, accountant.

- Book a conference or exhibition ticket in your major in Canada,  and apply for an entry permit in Canada by attaching the official invitation you obtained from the conference or exhibition and submit it with the papers to the Embassy of Canada as an excuse to travel to Canada by tourist visa.

- To get an official invitation from conferences and exhibitions in Canada, we recommend that you use this site eventbrite excellent site to search for conferences and exhibitions in all countries of the world.

The third way:

To have a US visa, and apply at the Embassy of Canada under the Camp Place feature, i.e. applying without presenting a bank account to encourage people who have a US visa and wish to visit Canada.

When you fill out the Canada Pass form, you can add additional information with your US Visa information to the form, at which point he will be exempt from the financial proof requirement.

Fourth method:

To obtain a permit to enter Canada, you must have a Canadian resident, a first-degree relative or a second-degree relative.

This relative will send you an official visit invitation with a bank statement located in Canada as proof of full coverage of your travel costs, as well as attach the housing rental contract and send these documents from the Canadian immigration department.

Fifth way:

This is the weakest way to have a white passport and apply for a tourist visa to Canada, and you want to visit Canada in the summer months provided that you have it:

- A bank account with a large amount
- You are an employee with a large monthly salary in your country
- To have a shop or a company and have a commercial registration
- Being a university student and traveling for training in Canada

How to apply for a Canada Pass?

The entry permit to Canada must be applied electronically on the Canadian government website here

Procedures for converting an entry permit into a work permit in Canada after obtaining a work contract in Canada,

Procedures take 133 days to respond to your request to convert the entry permit into a work residence permit within Canada while you reside in Canada.

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